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Perlen vor die Säue


German folk rock collective Knasterbart have steered clear of all things golden and glamorous and chosen the hard life of a bunch of partying hicks instead: These seven dudes keep finding the stars in the gutter and have done so since 2012, churning out truly unique folk rock full of lewd humor, naughty daydreams and a healthy dose of self-mockery courtesy of musicians of Versengold and Mr. Hurley & Die Pulveraffen! After the band just inked a worldwide deal with leading rock and metal label Napalm Records.


Hotze Knasterbart (Malte Hoyer) - Vocals, Flute
Fummelfips Knasterbart (Simon Erichsen) - Vocals, Mandolin
Fidolin Knasterbart (Florian Janoske) - Vocals, Violin
Hackepeter Knasterbart (Daniel Gregory) - Vocals, Guitar
Klappstuhl Knasterbart (Philipp Janoske) - Vocals, Bass
Knüppelkalle Knasterbart (Ulrich Wortmann) - Vocals, Drums
Schramme Knasterbart (Felix Weidenhöfer) - Vocals, Guitar


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German Medieval Folk Metal Band
Knasterbart - German Medieval Folk Metal Band


German Medieval Folk Metal Band
Knasterbart - German Medieval Folk Metal Band


German Medieval Folk Metal Band
Album cover "Perlen vor die Säue" - Knasterbart

Album cover "Perlen vor die Säue"

latest album by Knasterbart
Band logo Knasterbart - white font-colour - transparent background

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