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Burning Witches

The Dark Tower


When BURNING WITCHES come together, the world is ablaze! With just a sip of their bewitched brew of heavy metal, the quintet whisks the listener back to the heyday of the hottest and cruelest era in rock history. Inspired by the trademarks of classic 80s heavy metal - like skyscraper guitar solos, bludgeoning, raspy vocals and screams, and fast paced drums - BURNING WITCHES unleash a searing attack once more with their fifth studio album and Napalm Records debut, The Dark Tower, out May 5, 2023. Fasten your broom’s seatbelt for this wild and fiery ride! On fifteen energetic tracks, BURNING WITCHES ring the bells for a midnight mass in smoky-warm bars. Opening with “Unleash The Beast”, roaring, dueling guitars battle each other with top-notch, fast-paced performances while the energy of the song rises to its climax when the sharp voice of singer Laura Guldemond combines with powerful harmonies. “World On Fire” first gets the listener’s pulse pumping due to the rising tension of flashy guitar work, before melodic six-string solos unite with unbeatable guitar onslaughts and sophisticated drum attacks ...


Laura Guldemond - Vocals
Romana Kalkuhl - Guitars
Courtney Cox – Guitars (stand in/special guest)
Larissa Ernst - Guitars
Jeanine Grob - Bass
Lala Frischknecht - Drums


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Burning Witches

Burning Witches

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Burning Witches

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Burning Witches

Burning Witches

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