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Civil War



Swedish historical modern power metal outfit CIVIL WAR fly the flags of international strife once again with their brand new, fourth album, Invaders, set for release on June 17, 2022 via Napalm Records. The band founded by former members of Sabaton returns with 10 new wartime anthems detailing harrowing stories of sorrow and tales of turbulent triumph from around the globe, as well as human nature itself. Invaders marks the band’s first album with masterful frontman Kelly Sundown Carpenter and formidable shredder Thobbe Englund (ex-Sabaton), and grips with riveting accounts ranging from Viking invasions and the greed of powerful nations to legendary Native American battles and magical Arthurian fantasy – all amid a profusion of enthrallingly dynamic vocals, epic soundscapes and impressive, technical instrumentals. The album starts off with the captivating “Oblivion”, inviting the listener into an apocalyptic world with its exotic, menacing sound, strong vocals and heavy guitar riffs. Packed with epic symphonic power, Invaders continues with the war anthem “Dead Man’s Glory”, telling a story of Irish resistance – fighting to preserve their way of life against a Viking invasion. The album rages on with the retelling of a legendary Native American victory at the Battle of the Wabash on the fast-paced...


Kelly Sundown - Vocals
Thorbjörn „Thobbe“ Englund - Guitar
Petrus Granar - Bass
Daniel Mullback - Drums
Daniel Mÿhr - Keyboards


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Civil War - Swedish Heavy Metal Band

Civil War

Swedish Heavy Metal Band
Album Cover "Invaders" - Civil War

Album Cover "Invaders"

latest album by Civil War
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Civil War
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Civil War

Swedish Heavy Metal Band

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Civil War
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