Wednesday 13
Heavy horror punk icon WEDNESDAY 13 has climbed his way to the top of the horrendous heights of
rock, punk and metal with his electrifying solo music and as frontman of renowned horror punk
supergroup Murderdolls, amassing a colossal cult-following along the way. In 2022, the undisputed
harbinger of metal horror returns, following up on 2019’s acclaimed Necrophaze (#2 US Heatseekers)
with Horrifier – a brand new slathering of 11 terrifyingly grim and groovy anthems to get blood pumping
and brains melting! Showcasing a blend of styles from the band’s 20-year career, Horrifier manages to
weave an underlying sonic thread reminiscent of WEDNESDAY 13’s roots – a raucous blend of ballistic
metal and macabre heavy rock that’ll have new and diehard fans alike ascending from the depths. As
always, various tracks on the album are inspired by classic horror flicks, this time circling cult-favorite