With their self-titled debut in 2017, TORTUGA took the heavy stoner and psychedelic doom metal scene by storm. Following their sophomore offering, Deities (2020), and a worldwide record deal with rock and metal empire Napalm Records, October 27, 2023 will see the Polish four-piece unleash their third studio album, Iterations.
Compared to its predecessors, Iterations moves from monolithic stoner-doom to progressive and experimental facettes, enriching its listeners’ auditory experience while managing to mature TORTUGA’s epic doom and stoner trademarks. Anyone who may have previously mistook TORTUGA as a Lovecraftian themed band should make no mistake - they are storytellers, and Iterations proves the Poznan-based outfit puts as much effort into said storytelling as their songwriting. This time, the band digs deep and delivers a concept album about the whole history of the universe (from beginning to the end), which is also applicable, metaphorically, to the history of a person's . . .
Pablo - Guitar, Vocals, Sampler
Krzysiu - Guitar, Synth, Vocoder
Heszu - Bass
Marcin - Drums